Positive libertarianism: beyond hating the state (from HCPP17)

Most libertarians will go through several phases. Seeing the inefficiency or injustice of the state is one of them. I want to suggest that there is another phase: Taking your liberty into your own hands. Hate taxes? Go to tax haven! Don’t like public schools? Unschool your kids. Do you want banking privacy? Cryptos! Don’t […]

Fun with Bitcoin lightning network

After several unsuccessful attempts, I finally got a lightning network node to work. Sort of. Here is the current status using the latest Lightning Desktop App.

Crypto is an alien planet to Wall Street

I was thinking about the relationship between traditional financial system and the parallel crypto world, about hard forks and the fight between big blockers, bigger blockers and core. I find all this completely funny, but in a totally different way than most people. If you look at traditional finance (gonna call them Wall Street), they […]

Detokenizing cryptos

With the recent Initial Coin Offering (ICO) craze, one cannot stop thinking if all those tokens are really required for the applications or if it’s just a way to raise capital (crowdfund). While I appreaciate new ways of funding Internet protocols and decentralized applications, there are drawback of doing it this way, one of the […]

Blockchains and network effects

An insight that is important in relation to recent talks about hard forks: Blockchain creates a shared view of one history (or reality) among the participants who enforce the same set of rules. Also, with the recent talks about scammy ICOs and whitepaper-backed shitcoins, remember Metcalfe’s and Reed’s laws (the value of network is either […]

Liberty is a DIY project

A recording from my HCPP 2016 talk. In previous years I had a talk about why I think Liberty is a DIY project – that it’s a personal responsibility of each and every one of us. Then I had two presentations about hacking the biology of our bodies and brain. This talk is continuation of […]

Secure communication and the CIA

The eye of our Big brother is spying on us all. Edward Snowden revelations have taught us that there is no place to hide. However, we can protect our communication by using a bunch of tools and apps. Come and start using them right away! This was a little bit of “improv” part of LibertyCon […]

Bitcoin as a store of value

A little bit more “technical” talk about using Bitcoin as a store of value, not as a transactional system. Does the value of Bitcoin in terms of state currencies actually have to be stable and/or not volatile? Is there a market in storing wealth in cryptocurrencies? Should all people save in one currency? This was […]

On tourists and astronauts

“Have you ever tried not being a tourist when you travel?”, asked my friend. He meant not checking into a hotel, but living where the locals live, buying groceries where locals buy groceries, cooking food and doing your day to day business. We had an interesting conversation that evolved from a question I used to […]

Turris Omnia review

I was eagerly awaiting for my Turris Omnia which I preordered on their Indiegogo campaign almost a year ago. The campaign raised more than 1.2 million dollars and the router was created by a team from Czech Republic’s .cz domain administrator CZ-NIC. I was always a little bit sad that the ISPs sell you a […]